

Fault Diagnosis of G-M Cryocooler-based Cryopumps Cold Head Based on Deep-learning Algorithm

  • 摘要: G-M制冷机低温泵是一种广泛应用于半导体制造等领域的重要设备,对超高真空的获得与维持至关重要。由于其长期连续运行,容易引发机械磨损等故障,导致制冷能力和抽气特性下降。因此,开展有效的故障诊断显得尤为关键,文章提出一种改进型遗传算法与反向传播神经网络的故障诊断方法,克服了传统反向传播神经网络依赖初始权重与阈值设置、优化效率低的问题。研究结果表明,该方法在故障诊断中的准确率达98.05%。为低温泵健康监测与故障预警提供了科学依据。


    Abstract: The G-M cryocooler-based cryopump was identified as an important device widely used in fields such as semiconductor manufacturing, playing a critical role in achieving and maintaining ultra-high vacuum. Due to its long-term continuous operation, it is prone to mechanical wear and other failures, leading to a decline in cooling capacity and pumping characteristics. Therefore, conducting effective fault diagnosis is particularly crucial. An improved genetic algorithm combined with a back propagation neural network was proposed for fault diagnosis, overcoming the issues associated with traditional BP neural networks, which relied on initial weight and threshold settings and exhibited low optimization efficiency. The results showed that this method achieved a fault diagnosis accuracy of 98.05%, providing a scientific basis for health monitoring and fault warning of cryopumps.


