

Simulation and Design of the Gas Filtering System in the Synchrotron Bend-Magnet Vacuum Ultraviolet Beamline

  • 摘要: 气体滤波系统利用稀有气体(如氩气、氖气、氦气等)在电离能以下吸收弱、在电离能以上吸收强的特性,用于过滤同步辐射真空紫外光束线由光栅衍射带来的高次谐波。本文通过角系数方法辅助气体滤波系统设计,仿真分析了已有的燃烧光束线气体滤波池,并与实验结果比对;对质谱光束线气体滤波池进行优化设计,并对滤波池内部压强空间分布进行分析。结果表明:对于燃烧光束线气体滤波池,仿真结果与实验结果具有较好的一致性。在质谱光束线滤波池优化设计中,由于光斑尺寸大小增加,腔体内部存在较高数密度的分子束流,难以通过增加多级差分管道数量降低腔体压强,且其差分管道内部压强分布呈现陡增现象。


    Abstract: The gas filter system is filled with noble gases (e.g., argon, neon and helium), which display strong absorption above their ionization energy. This helps to filter out the high harmonics of the incident beam in the synchrotron radiation beamline. In this paper, the angular coefficient method was employed to assist in the design of gas filters. It simulates and analyses the combustion beamline gas filter and compares the results with those obtained from the experiment. It then optimizes the design of the gas filter at the mass spectrometry beamline and analyses the spatial distribution of the pressure inside the filter chambers. The results demonstrate that the simulation results for the combustion beamline gas filter are in good agreement with the experimental results. In the further design of the mass spectrometry beamline filter cell, the increase in spot size results in a higher number density of molecular beam flow inside the chamber. It is challenging to reduce the chambers’ pressure by adjusting the multi-stage differential piping. Furthermore, the pressure distribution inside the differential tube exhibits a steep rise phenomenon.


