

Preparation of MoN/CrN Self-Lubricating Protective Coating and Its Tribological Properties

  • 摘要: 高温合金具有优异的高温强度,适用于高负载及高温应用环境,广泛应用于航空航天领域,其滑动构件需要针对性设计宽温域自润滑材料。传统MoN自润滑涂层抗氧化性能较差、服役温度较低,利用CrN插入层制备纳米多层涂层可抑制Mo组元快速氧化,从而提高涂层抗氧化能力及高温耐磨性。因此文章于高温合金基体表面设计制备MoN/CrN纳米多层涂层,通过引入CrN插入层提高MoN涂层的耐磨性及高温抗氧化性。同时研究了MoN与MoN/CrN纳米多层涂层在不同温度下的摩擦学性能及抗氧化性能,结果表明MoN/CrN纳米多层涂层具有优异的耐磨性及高温抗氧化性,在600℃温度下的摩擦系数低至0.466,磨损率低至1.59×10−6 mm3/(N·m)。


    Abstract: High-temperature alloys have excellent high-temperature thermal strength and are suitable for applications such as aerospace industries, which suffer high loads and temperatures. High-temperature-alloy based components require a wide temperature range protection by self-lubricating materials. Traditional self-lubricating coating such as MoN suffers poor oxidation resistance and low service temperatures. The introduction of the CrN interlayer suppresses the fast oxidation of the Mo components thus improving the resistance of the MoN to oxidation and high-temperature wear. Therefore, this work designed and prepared MoN/CrN multilayer coatings on the surface of the high-temperature alloy substrates. The wear resistance and high-temperature oxidation resistance of the MoN coatings were improved by introducing the CrN interlayers. This work investigated the wear and oxidation resistance of the MoN and the MoN/CrN coatings at elevated temperatures. The results show that the MoN/CrN multilayer coatings have excellent wear resistance and high-temperature oxidation resistance. The friction coefficient and wear rate at 600℃ are 0.466 and 1.59×10−6 m3/(N·m), respectively.


