

Effects of Technological Parameters on Basic Properties of Copper Based Composite Material with Large Particles of Graphite

  • 摘要: 添加超大石墨颗粒来提高铜的润滑性能具有制备操作简便、工艺成本低等优点。文章在研制超大粒度石墨颗粒作为功能相的铜基复合材料基础上,探讨制备工艺参量对该复合材料热导率、压缩强度和摩擦系数等基本性能的影响。研究发现,该复合制品的热导率明显大于采用等质量的较小粒度石墨原料的复合制品;石墨含量越多,颗粒越小,铜/石墨复合样品的热导率就越低。结果表明,该复合制品的规定非比例压缩强度和抗压强度均明显高于采用较小石墨颗粒的复合制品,其力学性能主要与石墨颗粒大小和添加量有关。在本工作的粒度范围(120~1500 μm)和含量范围(5%~15%)内,石墨颗粒越大,含量越少,其复合制品的力学强度就越好。研究还表明:该复合制品的摩擦系数与采用等质量的较小粒度石墨原料的复合制品基本相当;对于摩擦性能,本工作中的石墨含量以10%为佳,粒度以32目即约为720 μm为佳。


    Abstract: Adding supersized graphite particles to improve the lubrication performance of copper has the advantages of simple preparation and low process cost. Based on the development of copper based composites with supergranular-sized graphite particles, the effects of process parameters on the basic properties of the composites such as thermal conductivity, compression strength and friction coefficient were investigated. It was found that the thermal conductivity of the compound was obviously higher than that of the compound with the same quality and smaller size graphite raw material. The higher the graphite content and the smaller the particle size, the lower the thermal conductivity of the copper/graphite composites. The results showed that the required non-proportional compressive strength and compressive strength of the composite were significantly greater than those of graphite feedstock with smaller particle sizes. Within the granularity range (120 to 1500 μm) and content range (5 wt%~15 wt%) of this work, the larger the size of graphite particles, the smaller the graphite content, the better the mechanical strength of the composite. The results also show that the friction coefficient of the composite is basically the same as that of the composite with the same quality and smaller size graphite raw material. When the graphite content in this work is 10%wt with a particle size of 32 mesh (about 720 μm), the friction properties are better.


