The Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) is an experimental device used to study the physics of highly ionized ions. The intermediate-energy compact EBIT experimental platform can generate an electron beam energy of 30 keV with an electron beam current of up to 20 mA. It is of great importance to study the impurity spectra in future fusion reactors. To produce a single high charge state ion, the trapping area of the intermediate energy EBIT device needs to be kept under an ultra-high vacuum (10
−8 Pa) condition. Besides, the low-temperature superconducting magnet also needs to operate under a vacuum environment of 10
−5 Pa to maintain a sufficiently high heat resistance. Therefore, the vacuum condition directly affects the performance of the intermediate energy EBIT device. It is necessary to develop a stable and efficient vacuum control system to improve the stability and reliability of the device. In this study, an intermediate energy EBIT vacuum control system is developed on the basis of the RS485 bus structure and the Python programming language, which realizes remote control, data acquisition, and interlock protection for the EBIT vacuum system. Currently, this vacuum control system has been running reliably on the intermediate energy EBIT system for several months. The development of the vacuum control system for the EBIT can meet experimental requirements, providing a reliable ultra-high vacuum experimental environment for the intermediate energy EBIT system. This study is of great significance for the steady-state operation of the intermediate energy EBIT system.