

High-Temperature Antioxidant Property of NiCoCrAlY/AlSiY Composite Coating on the Surface of GH907 High-Temperature Alloy by Arc Ion Plating

  • 摘要: 为提高GH907高温合金在750℃下高温抗氧化性能。在GH907合金表面采用电弧离子镀技术(AIP)制备NiCoCrAlY/AlSiY复合涂层。系统开展复合涂层的高温抗氧化行为和机理研究,利用XRD、SEM和EDS等微尺度分析表征方法,全面解析氧化过程中物相的结构特征、氧化产物成分及表/截面形貌特征。结果试验表明,750℃氧化500 h后,GH907高温合金氧化层(FeO,Fe2O3)萌生大量裂纹,氧化层发生大面积剥落。基体呈迅速氧化增重趋势,500 h质量增重值为22.38 mg/cm2。相比之下,NiCoCrAlY/AlSiY复合涂层在氧化实验中,由于形成连续且致密的Al2O3屏障层,有效抑制氧气内扩散,延缓GH907高温合金发生氧化反应的影响。氧化80 h质量增重为6.37 mg/cm2,随后质量增重率趋于稳定,500 h复合涂层质量增重值仅有7.68 mg/cm2。结论由此表明,NiCoCrAlY/AlSiY复合涂层可以显著提高GH907高温合金高温抗氧化性能。


    Abstract: To improve the high-temperature oxidation resistance of GH907 high-temperature alloy at 750°C, NiCoCrAlY/AlSiY composite coatings were prepared on the surface of GH907 alloy by arc ion plating (AIP) technique. We systematically studied the high-temperature antioxidant behaviors and mechanisms of composite coatings. Micro-scale analytical characterization methods such as XRD, SEM and EDS were used to comprehensively analyze the physical phase structural characteristics, oxidation product compositions, and surface/cross-section topographic features during the oxidation process. Tests showed that after oxidation at 750℃ for 500 h, the oxide layer (FeO, Fe2O3) of GH907 high-temperature alloy sprouted a large number of cracks, and the oxide layer occurred a large area of spalling. The substrate showed a tendency to rapidly oxidize and gain weight, with a mass gain value of 22.38 mg/cm2 for 500 h. In contrast, NiCoCrAlY/AlSiY composite coating in the oxidation experiment, due to the formation of continuous and dense Al2O3 barrier layer, the internal diffusion of oxygen was effectively inhibited, reducing the oxidation reaction impact of GH907 high-temperature alloy. The mass gain of oxidation 80 h was 6.37 mg/cm2, then the mass gain rate tended to stabilize, and the mass gain of 500 h composite coating was only 7.68 mg/cm2. In conclusion, it showed that the NiCoCrAlY/AlSiY composite coating can significantly improve the high-temperature oxidation resistance of GH907 high-temperature alloy.


