

Investigation on the Hydrogen Permeation Barrier of Metallic Materials Based on Water-jet Cavitation Peening Technique

  • 摘要: 真空金属材料的阻氢性能是决定其氢渗透率、放气率以及氢脆的关键因素,对储氢、核聚变、加速器等领域至关重要。目前,主流的阻氢手段为涂层法,其阻氢效果较好,然而对于大面积批量处理以及复杂异形表面的处理效率偏低,需要拓展新型阻氢技术。该研究利用高压射流产生漩涡空化气泡,并通过空化泡的溃灭作用在材料表层产生GPa量级的微射流与冲击波作用,引入塑性变形和残余压应力,实现表层硬化层阻氢。实验测试结果表明,射流漩涡空化改性使氢渗透率下降了65%,其阻氢效果优于弹丸喷丸约30%。射流漩涡空化改性技术具有绿色环保、设备成本低、处理速率高、对复杂异型零部件适用性好等优点,为金属材料阻氢技术提供了可靠的技术手段。


    Abstract: The hydrogen barrier property of metallic material is the key factor of hydrogen permeation rate, outgassing rate, and hydrogen embrittlement. It is essential for hydrogen storage, nuclear fusion, accelerator, and other fields. Currently, the mainstream hydrogen barrier method is the coating. Its performance in suppressing hydrogen permeation is considerable. However, the efficiency is low for large-area batch treatment and complex-shaped surface treatment. As a result, it’s necessary to explore more hydrogen barrier techniques. This article uses a high-pressure jet to generate vortex cavitation bubbles. Then, the collapse of the cavitation bubbles generates GPa-level impacts on the surface of the materials. The impacts introduce plastic deformation and residual compressive stress into the surface layer, thus achieving a superficially hardened layer of hydrogen barrier. The results show that the jet vortex cavitation modification reduces hydrogen permeation by 65%, and its hydrogen barrier effect is about 30% better than ball blasting. It has the advantages of green environmental protection, low equipment cost, high processing rate, and good applicability to complex shaped parts. It provides a reliable technical means for hydrogen barrier technology for metal materials.


