

Review of Lunar Dust Mitigation for Lunar Water Ice Detection

  • 摘要: 月尘一直以来都是阻碍人类探索月球的一大问题,月尘颗粒锋利、细微和带静电等特性可对各类机械结构、密封结构、功能表面、空间仪器载荷以至宇航员产生巨大危害。文章总结了目前月尘防护技术的研究进展,包括月尘的全流程防护及大空间月尘防护研究;以电磁法为代表的主动防护技术,如电帘、静电场、等离子体束、电喷雾和磁辊等除尘技术;以表面改性技术为主的被动防护技术,如减弱范德瓦耳斯力的低表面能、高粗糙度的纳米尺度涂层和减弱静电力的功函数匹配涂层等。聚焦中国探月工程水冰探测计划的月尘防护,综述了针对采掘、加热和分析三个环节所使用的过滤和密封的防尘手段,包括采掘钻杆使用螺旋槽和间隙密封;加热和分析容器采用金属刀口主密封和O型圈辅助密封;在分析仪器前设置烧结金属过滤器、高效空气过滤器(HEPA)和多级永磁月尘过滤器(LAF-PMS);在连接管道处设置双层O型圈密封;在外接出口处设置迷宫密封和HEPA等。最后,给出一种“水冰探测仪月尘防护的方案设计”。


    Abstract: Lunar dust has always been a major problem hindering human exploration of the moon. The sharp, fine and electrostatic characteristics of lunar dust particles can cause great harm to all kinds of mechanical structures, sealing structures, functional surfaces, space instrument loads and even astronauts. This paper summarizes the research progress of the lunar dust mitigation technology, including the whole process of the lunar dust protection strategy; Active mitigation technology represented by electromagnetic method, such as electric curtain, electrostatic field, plasma beam, electric spray and magnetic roller dust removal technology; Passive mitigation technologies mainly include surface modification technology, such as low surface energy to weaken van der Waals force, high roughness nanoscale coating and work function matching coating to weaken electrostatic force, etc. Focusing on the lunar dust mitigation of the water ice detection program of China's lunar exploration project, this paper summarizes the filter and seal dustproof means used in mining, heating and analysis. Spiral groove and clearance seal are used for drilling bit. The heating and analysis vessels are sealed with metal knife edge and O-ring auxiliary seal. A sintered metal filter, a high efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) and a multistage lunar air filter with a permanent-magnet system (LAF-PMS) are arranged in front of the analytical instrument. A double-layer O-ring seal is arranged at the connecting pipe.Set labyrinth seal and HEPA at external outlet. At last, a scheme design of lunar dust mitigation for lunar water ice detector is given.


