

Influence of Pressure on Propagation of Plasma Plume and Properties of ZnSe:Co Thin Film Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition

  • 摘要: 采用脉冲激光沉积技术在真空腔中制备了ZnSe:Co薄膜。研究了沉积压强对等离子体羽辉传播、薄膜表面形貌,微结构以及光学性质的影响。结果表明,随着压强的增大,等离子体羽辉在空间的传播距离减小,薄膜沉积方式由溅射式沉积转变为吸附式沉积,薄膜的结晶质量得到大幅提升。此外,薄膜的光学带隙随压强的增大而减小,低压条件下制备的薄膜具有较大的带隙值,这与量子限域效应有关。当压强增大到10 Pa时,得到了沿(111)方向择优生长且结晶质量优秀的微晶薄膜。


    Abstract: ZnSe:Co thin films were deposited on sapphire substrates at various ambient pressures by pulsed laser deposition. The influence of pressure on the propagation of plume, microstructure, surface morphology, and optical properties of films were investigated in this experiment. With the increase of ambient pressure, the propagation distance of the plasma plume decreased, the deposition type transformed from sputter to adsorption, and then the crystalline quality was promoted substantially. The optical band gap decreases with increasing deposition pressure, which may be associated with the quantum confinement effect. Excellent crystalline quality and (111) preferred oriented thin film was grown at the pressure of 10 Pa.


