

Photocatalytic Performance of RGO/MOF Based Composites

  • 摘要: 采用还原氧化石墨烯(RGO)和铜基金属有机物框架材料(Cu-BTC)同时对TiO2进行改性,显著提升其光活性。通过SEM观察复合光催化剂材料的形态,并采用罗丹明-B作为模拟污染物对复合物的可见光催化性能进行估计。进一步通过分析光生电子寿命和电子顺磁共振谱,揭示复合物中RGO和Cu-BTC的作用及光催化机理。最后通过优化各组分的质量分数实现协同作用,在紫外光和可见光照射条件下,罗丹明-B的降解率常数分别达到1.44×10−1和9.2×10−2 min−1。此外,复合光催化剂具有良好的循环使用稳定性。


    Abstract: Reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and Cu-BTC are adopted to modify TiO2 to promote photocatalytic performance. The morphologies of the as-prepared composites are obtained by SEM, and the rhodamine-B (RB) is employed to estimate the UV- and visible-light activities. Moreover, the lifetime of photoinduced electrons and EPR profiles of the resulting photocatalysts are recorded, revealing the functions of the RGO and Cu-BTC, and the corresponding photocatalytic mechanism is also proposed. After optimizing the mass fractions of various components to achieve the synergy, the rate constants of RB under UV- and visible-light illumination reach 1.44×10−1 and 9.2×10−2 min−1, respectively. High recycling and using stability of the optimized sample indicates the potential application prospect.


