

The Technical Advance and Development Suggestions for Extraterrestrial Object Sampling and Sealing Technologies

  • 摘要: 在回顾国内外地外天体样品采样密封技术发展状况的基础上,详细论述了地外天体特性与采样方式和密封容器的适配性设计,着重分析了样品密封技术的特点以及能够实现的漏率指标,深入剖析了包括防尘设计和生物灭菌在内的样品密封过程中的关键问题。最后展望了地外天体密封技术的发展趋势以及需要研究解决的技术问题,旨在为中国地外天体采样密封技术的发展提供参考。


    Abstract: Based on the review of extraterrestrial object sampling and sealing technologies, this paper elaborates adaptive design of extraterrestrial objects’ characteristics, sampling method, and sealing container. Then, sealing technology characteristics and leakage rate are analyzed respectively. Meanwhile, key issues during the sealing process, such as dustproof design and biological sterilization, are carefully researched. Finally, the prospects for the research and technology issues needed to be resolved are also analyzed, providing a reference for the development of extraterrestrial object sampling and sealing technology in China.


