The cryogenic system of SHINE test station mainly includes three subsystems: cryogenic refrigerator system, cryogenic medium transmission and distribution system and auxiliary system. As the auxiliary system of the cryogenic system, the vacuum system provides important performance guarantee for the cryogenic refrigerator, cryogenic transfer line and other systems. This paper introduces SHINE cryogenic transfer line and valve box vacuum system, including layout design, physical requirements, vacuum parameters, vacuum system design, key equipments, installation and commissioning work; At present, the average steady-state vacuum at room temperature of each vacuum unit is superior to 1.0×10
−2 Pa, and the average steady-state vacuum degree at 2 K low temperature is better than 1.0×10
−3 Pa, which meets the physical demand of cryogenic transfer line. Non-standard vacuum equipment, vacuum acquisition and measurement equipment, etc., have been running continuously for a year, and are reliable, stable and fault-free. Therefore, the design scheme of the vacuum system of the test station can meet the physical indicators and practical engineering requirements.