

Adsorption Characteristics of Mo3N2 Crystals for SF6 Decomposition Components Based on First Principles

  • 摘要: 对SF6分解组分进行检测是对电力设备运行状态进行评估,以确保设备能安全稳定工作的有效措施之一。本文基于第一性原理仿真软件Materials Studio对SF6的两种特征分解组分气体在Mo3N2表面上的吸附过程进行理论计算。从吸附能、吸附距离、转移电荷、带隙、能态密度图等方面对其在传感器领域的可行性做了评估。结果表明,Mo3N2上对H2S,SO2F2的吸附能均大于0.800 eV,且SO2F2气体分子在吸附后发生形变裂解,Mo3N2基底的原子排布些许错位,均为化学吸附。Mo3N2吸附两种气体后带隙降为0,转变为金属性。本文的所有理论计算研究对检测与清除SF6分解组分气体的材料选型提供理论依据。


    Abstract: The detection of SF6 decomposition components is one of the effective means to evaluate the operation status of power equipment and ensure the safe and reliable operation of the equipment. In this paper, the first-principles simulation software Materials Studio is used to simulate the adsorption behavior of two characteristic decomposition components of SF6 on the surface of Mo3N2. Its feasibility in the sensor field was evaluated from the aspects of adsorption energy, adsorption distance, transferred charge, band gap, and DOS diagram. The results show that the adsorption energy of Mo3N2 for H2S and SO2F2 is greater than 0.800 eV, the SO2F2 gas molecules undergo deformation and cracking after adsorption, and the atomic arrangement of the Mo3N2 substrate is slightly dislocated, all of which are chemical adsorption. The band gap decreases to 0 after Mo3N2 adsorbs two gases and becomes metallic. All the simulation studies in this paper provide a theoretical basis for the selection of materials for the detection and removal of SF6 decomposition component gases.


