

Influencing Factors of Striations Formation in the Radio Frequency Hollow Cathode Discharge

  • 摘要: 本文通过实验的方法,研究了氩气射频空心阴极放电(radio frequency hollow cathode discharge,RF-HCD)中发光条纹形成的影响因素。研究结果表明,在RF-HCD中,在一定的放电条件下,能清晰地观察到负辉区、法拉第暗区和正柱区。在RF-HCD中,功率、电极间距、气体流量和电极间有无介质管等均影响着发光条纹的形成。而背后更深层次的原因是电子密度、放电通道中是否存在正柱区、气压、以及介质管上的表面电荷等影响着RF-HCD中发光条纹的形成。如果放电时空心阴极孔外的电子密度达不到形成条纹的临界电子密度,则发光条纹无法形成;如果放电通道中不存在正柱区,即使密度足够大,条纹也无法在RF-HCD中形成;较高的流量和介质管上表面电荷的积累有利于条纹在RF-HCD中形成。


    Abstract: The influencing factors of striations formation in the argon radio frequency hollow cathode discharge(RF-HCD) were studied experimentally in this paper. The research results show that in the RF-HCD, under certain discharge conditions, the negative glow region, the Faraday dark space, and the positive column can be observed clearly. And the power, electrode spacing, gas flow, and inserted dielectric tubes all affect the striations formation in the RF-HCD. The deeper reasons are the electron density, the positive column, the pressure, and the surface charges that affect the striations formation in the RF-HCD. If the electron density outside the hollow cathode hole cannot reach the critical value, the striations cannot be formed; if there is no positive column, the striations cannot be formed. And the accumulation of surface charges on the dielectric tubes and the higher gas flow are beneficial to the formation of striations.


