

Design and Application of Multi-Energy Complementary of Hot Air Vacuum Drying Equipment for Fruit and Vegetable

  • 摘要: 为解决果蔬干燥过程中能耗较大,污染严重,干制品品质较低等问题,综合利用太阳能、热泵、燃烧炉三种热源以及热风干燥与真空干燥两种干燥技术,提出并设计了多能互补的基于果蔬热风真空组合干燥设备。搭建设备试验平台,以胡萝卜为试验物料进行干燥试验,结果表明:含脱硫除尘处理的四种干燥模式,其脱硫率和除尘率均在90%以上,有效减少环境污染;以清洁能源为主的组合干燥模式产生的污染物浓度低于以燃烧炉为主的组合干燥模式;组合干制的胡萝卜营养成分保留较好,外观形态皱缩较小,具有与真空干燥相近的干制品质。


    Abstract: In order to solve the problems of high energy consumption,serious pollution and low quality of dried products during the drying process of fruits and vegetables,comprehensive utilization of three heat sources of solar energy,heat pump and combustion furnace and two drying technologies of hot air drying and vacuum drying are proposed and designed based on multiple complementary fruit and vegetable hot-air vacuum combined drying equipment.We set up an equipment test platform and conducted a drying test with carrots as the test material.The results show that the four drying modes,including desulfurization and dust removal treatment,have both desulfurization and dust removal rates above 90%,effectively reducing the environmental pollution.The concentration of pollutants produced by the combined drying mode based on clean energy is lower than that of the combined drying mode based on the combustion furnace;the combined drying of carrots has better retention of nutrients,less shrinkage in appearance,and the drying quality is similar to that of the vacuum drying.


