

Experimental Study on the Effect of Lunar Dust Deposition on Short-Circuit Current of Solar Cell

  • 摘要: 本文通过地面模拟实验对空载-负载情况下太阳电池短路电流与光线入射角的关系、不同光线入射角下太阳电池短路电流与月尘沉积质量的关系以及不同粒径范围的月尘沉积对太阳电池短路电流影响关系进行研究。研究结果表明,由于角损耗的原因,无论有无月尘沉积的太阳电池其短路电流与光线入射角的关系均不能用余弦函数近似,且随着太阳电池表面月尘沉积量增加,角损耗现象变得更加明显。其次,在任意光线入射角下,太阳电池的短路电流和沉积月尘的质量的关系都可用指数拟合,但过大的光线入射角会导致太阳电池的灵敏度下降严重。最后,相同沉积质量下,月尘粒径越小,则对太阳电池的遮蔽效果越强,这是由于小粒径月尘颗粒的比表面积更大以及颗粒之间的缝隙更小所致。


    Abstract: In this paper,the relationships between solar cell short-circuit current and important experimental parameters are studied by ground simulation experiments. The results show that,due to the angle loss,the relationship between the short-circuit current of solar cells with or without lunar dust deposition and the light incident angle cannot be approximated by conventional cosine function,and the angle loss phenomenon becomes more obvious with the increasing amount of lunar dust deposited on the surface of solar cells. Secondly,at any light incident angle,the relationship between the short-circuit current of the solar cell and the quality of the deposited lunar dust can be fitted exponentially,but a large incident angle will lead to serious attenuation of the sensitivity of the solar cell. Finally,under the same deposition quality,the smaller the particle size of the lunar dust is,the stronger the shading effect of lunar dust on solar cells,which is due to the larger specific surface area of small particles of lunar dust and smaller gaps between particles.


