

Development and Application of Large Continuous Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Equipment for Preparing High-Purity Ti Powder

  • 摘要: 受工艺和设备双重因素的制约,当前国内生产的钛粉普遍因含氧量较高而导致品质偏低,无法在主流高端制造领域中应用。为满足国内厂商批量生产低含氧量高品质钛粉的迫切需求,北京北方华创真空技术有限公司通过多方合作,研制了国内首台使用氢化脱氢法(HDH),多工艺室连续工作制取高品质钛粉的大型设备。设备由多个工艺室根据工艺流程模块化串联组成,各工艺室间通过大型闸板阀进行通断与隔离,料舟内的粉料经由辊轴传动运送到各个工艺室内进行相应的工艺处理,并能按预设工艺生产节拍全程自动控制,不间断连续生产。在实际应用测试期间,设备工作稳定可靠,由于保证了所有生产环节都在高真空环境或高纯氩气保护下进行,最终批量制取出的I类钛粉(粒度≤44μm)氧含量能够稳定控制在0.12%以下,完全达到了国家粉末冶金行业钛粉标准中最高等级牌号TF-0级的要求。


    Abstract: Restricted by the dual factors of process and equipment,the current domestically produced Ti powder is generally low in quality due to its high oxygen content and cannot be used in mainstream high-end manufacturing fields.In order to meet the urgent needs of domestic manufacturers for mass production of high-quality Ti powder with low oxygen content,NAURA has developed the first domestic large continuous equipment which uses the HDH method to produce high-quality Ti powder.The equipment is composed of multiple process chambers in series according to the work process,and Ti powder is transported to each process chamber by the roller bottom boat for corresponding process treatment.The equipment can automatically run according to the preset production cycle,and the continuous production is uninterrupted.During the actual application test,the equipment is stable and reliable,because it can ensure that all production processes are in a high vacuum environment or high purity argon protection,the oxygen content of the ultra-fine Ti powder with particle size less than 44μm can be stably controlled below 0.12%,it has fully reached the requirements of the highest grade level TF-0 in the powder metallurgy industry Ti powder standard of China.


