

Design of Multi-Parameter Condition Monitoring System for Ultra-High Vacuum Valve on Beam Line

  • 摘要: 光束线良好的运行状态是用户正常实验和存储环安全运行的重要保障。为提高光束线的关键设备超高真空阀故障的诊断能力与运维水平,在合肥光源现有光束线控制系统的基础上,开展了超高真空阀门的状态监测研究。本文给出了超高真空阀的多参数状态监测实现方法,获取了超高真空阀门开关动作的数据波形,同时在实验物理和工业控制系统(EPICS)平台下建立了阀门的状态数据库,实现了数据的远程共享。


    Abstract: The good operation state of the beam line is an important guarantee for the user's normal experiment and the safe operation of the storage ring.Based on the existing beam line control system of HLS,this paper studies the condition monitoring system for ultra-high vacuum valve by a variety of sensors.A multi-parameter condition monitoring system for ultra-high vacuum has been developed for key equipment of beam line in National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory.At the same time,the status database is established by EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) and realizes the remote data sharing.Due to the implementation of the system,the diagnosis ability and maintenance level of equipment for beam line is enhanced.


