

Recent Progress on Real-Space Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Plasmonics

  • 摘要: 表面等离激元是金属和掺杂半导体中光子与电子的杂化激发模式。表面等离激元的强局域电场增强效应和强限域效应可以为在亚波长尺度操控光提供新的机遇。在这篇综述中,我们将首先讨论二维石墨烯等离激元在实空间中所展示出的各种新奇物理现象的最新进展。之后我们将总结在实空间观测到的一维金属以及半导体单壁碳纳米管中的Luttinger液体等离激元。石墨烯和碳纳米管为操控等离激元响应提供了非常有前景的研究平台,同时也为探索新奇量子现象和实现纳米光电器件提供了新的可能性。


    Abstract: Surface plasmon polaritons are hybrid excitation modes of photons and electrons in metals and doped semiconductors.The strong local field enhancement and confinement provided by surface plasmon polaritons offer intriguing opportunities to control light at subwavelength scale.In this review,we first discuss the recent progress on various novel physics revealed by real-space plasmonic phenomena in two-dimensional graphene.Then we will overview the Luttinger-liquid plasmons demonstrated in one-dimensional metallic and semiconducting single walled carbon nanotubes in the real space.Graphene and carbon nanotubes provide the promising control over the plasmonic response,enabling new quantum phenomena and nanophotonic device applications.


