

Compression Performance and Preparation of Composite Porous Magnesium Alloy with Ceramic Hollow Sphere

  • 摘要: 本文选用两种不同的陶瓷空心球(商购氧化铝空心球和自制含硅复合氧化物陶瓷空心球)作为增强体,采用粉末烧结的方式在烧结温度600℃、保温时间3 h 20 min的烧结条件下,成功制备出两种轻质、含孔的镁合金复合多孔材料。通过扫描电子显微镜观察烧结样品的微观结构,发现含硅陶瓷空心球与镁合金的界面处发生了界面反应,生成了含有MgO、Mg2Si等成分的合金相。研究了采用不同种类陶瓷空心球对样品表观密度、压缩强度和比强度的影响。结果表明,采用商购氧化铝空心球制备的复合样品的体密度最低,与镁合金致密体的密度相比,平均表观密度下降了33.3%,为1.20 g·cm-3;选用自制含硅陶瓷空心球制备的复合样品的平均表观密度下降了16.1%,为1.51 g·cm-3;在压缩过程中两种样品都表现出了弹性阶段、屈服平台和致密化阶段的多孔材料典型的压缩特征;自制含硅陶瓷空心球所制样品的压缩强度明显高于氧化铝空心球所制样品,自制含硅陶瓷空心球所制复合样品的比强度也高于商购氧化铝空心球所制复合样品。


    Abstract: Two kinds of lightweight composite porous magnesium alloy are successfully prepared by selecting two different ceramic hollow spheres(the commercial alumina hollow sphere and the self-made containing silicon hollow sphere) as reinforcements and sintering at 600℃ for 3 h 20 min. The microstructures of samples were observed by SEM. It was found that an alloy phase containing MgO and Mg2Si was formed by an interfacial reaction at the interface between the magnesium alloy and the self-made containing silicon ceramic hollow sphere. The influence of different types of ceramic hollow spheres on the apparent density, compressive strength and specific strength of samples was studied. The results show that the bulk density of the sample prepared by the commercial alumina hollow sphere is lower than that of another sample, and the average apparent density is 33.3% lower than that of the dense magnesium alloy, which is 1.20 g·cm-3. The average apparent density of the sample prepared by self-made containing silicon ceramic hollow spheres is 16.1% lower than that of the dense magnesium alloy, which is 1.51 g·cm-3.The compression curves of both samples have the elastic stage, the yield platform and the densification stage, which are the typical compression characteristics of porous materials. The compressive strength and specific strength of the sample with self-made containing silicon ceramic hollow spheres are higher than that of the sample with commercial alumina hollow spheres.


