

Effect of Plasma Treatment on the Wettability and Performance Parameters of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)

  • 摘要: 在预处理室中对ITO薄膜进行等离子体处理,研究分别在氧气、氮气、氩气及空气四种工作气体下,等离子体处理压强和处理时间对薄膜的润湿性及性能参数的影响。接触角测试仪表征表明,等离子体处理时间越长、处理压强越大,静态H2O接触角越小,其润湿性越高。分光光度计测试结果表明,经等离子体处理,ITO薄膜透过率较未处理均有所下降。四种工作气体下,等离子体处理压强越大对透过率的影响越小,但随着处理时间的增长影响会增大;相较其他工作气体,氧气等离子体处理整体变化最小。四点探针表征表明,处理后的ITO薄膜方块电阻无明显变化,这是由于等离子体处理只对ITO薄膜表面进行改性,没有改变内部性质。利用霍尔效应测量载流子浓度,没有发现明显变化,与方块电阻不变结论一致。


    Abstract: Plasma treatment of ITO thin film is carried out in a pretreatment chamber to investigate the influences of plasma treatment pressure and treatment time on the wettability and performance parameters of the films under four working gases:oxygen,nitrogen,argon and air. The contact angle tester characterization shows that longer plasma treatment times and higher treatment pressures will result in smaller static H2O contact angles and higher wettability. The results of the spectrophotometer tests show that the ITO thin film transmittance is reduced after the plasma treatment. Under four working gases,the effect on transmittance decreases as the plasma treatment pressure becomes larger,but increases as the treatment time becomes longer. Compared to other gases,the oxygen plasma treatment has the least overall change. Four-point probe characterization shows that the sheet resistance of the treated ITO thin film does not change significantly;it is because the plasma treatment only modifies the surface of the ITO thin film and does not change its internal properties. Using the Hall effect to measure carrier concentration,it is found that there is no significant change,which is exactly consistent with the conclusion that the sheet resistance is constant.


