

Silicon-Copper Sealing Based on Eutectic Bonding with Ag-In Alloy

  • 摘要: 目前在真空领域对于硅-铜封接的常用方式为Torr-Seal胶封接和玻璃粉高温烧结方式,但因其高放气率和玻璃粉污染等问题在超高真空受到限制,因此迫切需要一种气密性好、放气率低、工艺温和的封接方法。本文提出了一种基于Ag-In合金的硅-铜的新封接方法,即利用Ag-In合金中间层将硅片封接到无氧铜板支撑件上,并通过法兰连接到真空测试系统中。研究优化了无氧铜板支撑件的的结构设计并通过ANSYS Workbench验证合金层的缓冲作用,通过实验找到最佳的封接工艺参数,并使用氦质谱检漏仪测量了封接组件的本底漏率。测量结果显示,在一个大气压的上游压力下测得的最小本底漏率为7.49×10-12Pa·m3/s。


    Abstract: The Torr-Seal gluing method and glass frit sintering method commonly used in silicon-copper sealing is difficult to apply to ultra-high vacuum on account of its high outgassing rate and glass frit pollution for the file of vacuum. Therefore,a sealing method with excellent hermeticity and low outgassing rate is urgently needed. In this paper,a new sealing method based on Ag-In alloy for the silicon-based standard conductive element is proposed;that is,the silicon wafer is sealed to an oxygen-free copper plate by a micro-nano manufacturing process with an Ag-In alloy layer,and then connected to a vacuum test system by the flange. The structural design of oxygen-free copper plate support was optimized,and the best buffering effect of the alloy layer was verified by the ANSYS workbench. The best process parameters were found through experiments,and the background leakage rate of the sealing assembly was measured by a helium mass spectrometer. The measurement results show that the minimum background leakage rate is 7.49×10-12 Pa·m3·s-1 at the atmospheric upstream pressure.


