

A Preliminary Study of Developing Latent Fingerprints on Metal by Vacuum Metal Deposition

  • 摘要: 真空金属镀膜(vacuum metal deposition,简称VMD)技术应用于指纹显现已有50多年的历史,是显现疑难客体上潜在手印的理想工具,但对于金属这一疑难客体,目前鲜少有文章进行探究。针对这一问题,本文选取黄铜、紫铜、不锈钢和铝箔4种现场常见的金属作为检材,通过比较金锌、银锌、银VMD在金属客体上的显现效果,探究金属客体上VMD的最佳显现方案,并拓展在物证实践领域的应用。实验结果表明在黄铜、紫铜和不锈钢上,银锌VMD和银VMD的效果相似且均优于传统金锌VMD,而在铝箔上传统金锌VMD更具优势。


    Abstract: Vacuum metal deposition(VMD)technology has been applied to fingerprint development for more than 50 years. It is an ideal tool to develop fingerprints on many difficult substrates. However,there are few VMD studies on metal as a difficult substrates field. In response to this problem,this article selects four common metals such as brass,red copper,stainless steel and aluminum foil,as the inspection materials. By comparing the appearance effects of gold-zinc,silver-zinc,and silver VMD on metal substrates,the article explores the best VMD scheme on the metal substrates and expands the application in the field of forensic science. Experimental results show that on brass,red copper and stainless steel,silver-zinc VMD and silver VMD have similar effects and are better than traditional gold-zinc VMD,while traditional gold-zinc VMD has more advantages on aluminum foil.


