Simulation Design of Miniaturized Electric Thruster Based on Hall Ion Source
摘要: 市场化、小型化将成为中国商业遥感卫星发展的主流趋势,但与之相应的小型化推进系统是制约小型商业遥感卫星应用的一大因素。从上述原因考虑,本文以现有技术相对较为成熟的阳极层霍尔离子源装置结构为基础,通过粒子网格结合蒙特卡罗碰撞方法的数值仿真手段,对不同结构的小型化装置放电性能进行预测,分析影响装置工作性能的关键因素,最终得到装置小型化设计依据,为适用于小型化商业遥感卫星的电推力器提供又一种选择。针对小型化霍尔推力器装置的数值仿真计算结果显示,装置结构小型化设计的难点在于由放电区域缩小造成的放电效率和工作性能的下降,可以通过增强内外磁极之间磁场或延长电子在内外磁极间振荡路径来解决上述问题。Abstract: Marketization and miniaturization will be the dominant development trend of commercial remotesensing satellites in our country. However,the application of miniaturized commercial remote sensing satellite isconstrained by its propulsion system miniaturization. For the reason above,this paper involves a miniaturization de-sign of an electric thruster based on an anode layer Hall ion source. By Particle-in-Cell and Monte Carlo Collisionmethod(PIC/MCC),discharge characteristics of devices of different structures are predicted,and influencing fac-tors of device performance are analyzed. In this paper,the design basis of miniaturized Hall thruster is obtainedand can be another option of commercial remote sensing satellite thruster. Numerical simulation results of miniatur-ized Hall thruster reveal that shrunken discharge area has caused the reduction of discharge efficiency and deviceperformance,and these issues can be alleviated by enhancing magnetic field or extending electron oscillation paths.