

A Study on the Combined Application of Vacuum Metal Deposition Method and Traditional Latent Fingerprint Development Method

  • 摘要: 真空镀膜法是一种适用范围广,显现效果好的手印显现新方法,为进一步将该技术方法与传统方法有机结合,提高现场手印显出率,研究该方法与传统方法的联合应用及相互补足效果。方法:通过实验研究将真空镀膜法与传统方法联合应用对常见的渗透性客体、非渗透性客体及半渗透性客体表面汗潜手印进行显现,并比较显现效果。结果:真空镀膜法与粉末法、502法、茚三酮法等传统方法联合应用对手印的显现效果有较好的增强作用,特别是背景颜色复杂客体和反光客体表面手印的显现,真空镀膜法对传统方法的补足作用较为明显。结论:在一定条件下真空镀膜法可与传统方法联合应用,增强手印与背景的反差,增强手印显现效果。


    Abstract: Purpose:vacuum metal deposition is a new method with wide application and good developing effect of the latent fingerprint.In order to improve the appearance rate of fingerprints on the crime scene, the joint application and mutual complementing effect of this method and the traditional method were studied.Methods:the latent sweat fingermarks on the surfaces of common permeable objects, non-permeable objects, and semi-permeable objects were developed by combining the vacuum metal deposition method with traditional methods, and the developing effects were compared.Results:the combination of vacuum metal deposition method with powder method, "502" method, ninhydrin method, and other traditional methods had a better enhancement effect on the development of fingerprints, especially the development of fingerprints on the surface of objects with complex background color and reflective objects.The vacuum metal deposition method had a pronounced complementation effect on the traditional methods.Conclusion:under certain conditions, the vacuum metal deposition method can be combined with the traditional method to enhance the contrast between fingerprint and background and enhance the developing effect of the fingerprint.


