

Study on a Self-Adapting Segmented Calculation of Pump-Down Time for Water Ring Pump

  • 摘要: 含有水环泵的真空系统是一种典型的变抽速抽气系统。针对变抽速抽气时间计算问题,目前常用的方法是分段计算法。为了提高计算精度,相关研究主要集中在优化抽气速率模型以及提高抽气速率数值计算精度上,对分段方法研究较少。本文对变抽速抽气过程的分段方法进行了研究。首先,讨论了分段计算结果随分段数的收敛性,分析了收敛性的影响因素。其次,建立了抽气时间验证计算模型,设计了一种自适应分阶段计算方法。最后通过对实例计算结果的对比,验证了该方法能以较少的分段数得到较高的计算精度。


    Abstract: A pump-down system containing water ring pumps is a typical variable speed pumping system. For the variable speed pumping system,the pump-down time is always calculated in segments. In order to improve the accuracy of pump-down time,most research focuses on the optimization of pumping models and pumping speed calculation,and there is little research on the segmentation method. In this paper,the segmentation method for the variable pumping speed pumping process is studied. With segments increasing,the convergence performance of calculation results is investigated,and the main influencing factor is analyzed. An auxiliary verification calculation model is established,and a self-adaptive segmented calculation method is designed. Finally,by comparing the calculation results using the regular method and the new method,it is demonstrated that the new method has higher calculation accuracy with fewer segments.


