

Research on the Performance of Rubber Seal Structure at Low Temperature for Manned Spacecraft

  • 摘要: 载人航天器对密封性能要求极为严苛,密封结构的泄漏特性与温度相关。本文研究了一种典型的硅橡胶密封结构的泄漏方式,通过对低温下橡胶材料的透气性能的测试,结果表明:从50℃下降到5℃时、气体通过材料的渗透量降低约一个数量级。本文还通过实测材料在低温下的应力-应变关系、低温下材料的收缩特性,借助ABAQUS分析软件建立了该结构的压缩状态的有限元模型,得到了低温下密封应力变化情况,并据此计算了界面泄漏结果:低温下,密封结构的界面泄漏量略有所增大。本文研究的某典型橡胶密封结构在低温下的气体渗透泄漏和界面泄漏的量化数据,为产品在低温下的使用可靠性评估打下基础,也为类似结构设计提供参考。


    Abstract: Manned spacecraft has stringent requirements on sealing performance, and the leakage characteristics of the sealing structure are affected by temperature.In this paper, a leakage mode of a silicone rubber seal structure is studied.The gas permeability of rubber at low temperature is tested, and the results show that when the temperature drops from 50℃ to 5℃,the gas permeability decreases by an order of magnitude.The stress-strain relationship and shrinkage characteristics of the material at low temperature are tested, the finite element model of sealing structure is established by ABAQUS,the variation of seal stress at low temperature is obtained, and the results of interface leakage are obtained.At low temperatures, the leakage at the interface of the sealing structure increases slightly.The quantified data of gas permeability and interface leakage of the rubber seal structure at low temperature can be used for reliability assessment.The research findings can provide some references to similar seal design for manned spacecraft.


