

Effects of Modification Conditions on the Structure and Properties of Carbon Nanofibers Deposited by Electrospinning on Semiconductor Ni Chips

  • 摘要: 选择乙醇电纺丝工艺制备碳纳米纤维,优化了工艺条件,并制备得到结构均匀的碳纳米纤维。选择EP溶液与水蒸气作为碳纳米纤维的改性介质,分析不同方法对碳纳米纤维进行表面改性的差异性。研究结果表明:通过乙醇电纺丝方法制备碳纳米纤维的最优条件为:锂盐溶液质量分数为70%,镍片-电纺丝间距1.5 cm,烧制时间为9 min。通过电纺丝工艺制得了高碳含量的碳纳米纤维。通过DFT方法进行分析发现其孔径尺寸为9.2 nm,微孔与介孔的孔容依次为0.094与0.213,形成了大量的微孔与介孔。EP-CNFs、Na-CNFs与CNFs都跟水形成了均匀混合状态,未出现分层的情况,而Wc-CNFs混合液形成了澄清液,说明Wc-CNFs已出现沉降的情况。采用EP改性方法可以使EP活化基团和碳纳米纤维活性基团发生相互作用,增强碳纳米纤维表面极性,避免发生团聚,达到更稳定的分散状态。


    Abstract: Carbon nanofibers were prepared by ethanol electrospinning process,and the process conditions were optimized.Carbon nanofibers with a uniform structure were prepared.EP solution and water vapor were selected as modification medium to analyze the difference in surface modification of carbon nanofibers by different methods.The results show that the optimal conditions for the preparation of carbon nanofibers by ethanol electrospinning are as follows:the mass fraction of tin salt solution is 70%,the distance between nickel sheet and electrospinning is 1.5 cm,and the firing time is 9 min.Carbon nanofibers with high carbon content were prepared by electrospinning under the normal condition of C73D1.5T9.Through DFT analysis,it is found that the pore size is 9.2 nm,and the pore volume of micropores and mesoporous are 0.094 and 0.213 respectively,forming a large number of micropores and mesoporous.EP-CNFs,Na-CNFs,and CNFs are uniformly mixed with water without stratification,while Wc-CNFs mixture forms a clarifying liquid,indicating that Wc-CNFs have settled.EP modification method can make EP activated group and carbon nanofiber active group interact,enhance the surface polarity of carbon nanofiber,avoid aggregation,and reach a more stable dispersion state.


