

Flexible Algorithm for Rotor-Profile Construction and Performance-Characteristics Evaluation of Roots Pump

  • 摘要: 为实现罗茨转子轮廓构造及其性能表达方面的通用性和高效率,提出由节圆外、内的任意型式过渡轮廓与任意类型共轭轮廓组成的“柔性”构造方法,由节圆内共轭轮廓上不出现角点干涉的几何条件确定出基础形状系数的取值上限,并以基础形状系数、半叶顶角和叶数为独立变量,由顶点与配对转子节圆内共轭轮廓起点重合的几何关系确定出柔性形状系数,进而由前期研究成果的进一步推导,得出容积利用系数和流量脉动系数的简约公式。结果表明容积利用系数和流量脉动系数公式仅与共轭轮廓的类型及基础、柔性形状系数有关。并得出共轭轮廓类型的影响较小,类型系数统一采用0.05的容积利用系数简约误差小于3%的重要结论。


    Abstract: A novel “flexible” algorithm was proposed, for rotor-profile construction and for performance-characteristics evaluation of Roots pump.The self-developed “flexible” algorithm works well for all types of transition/conjugate contours available.Firstly, the upper-limit of shape coefficient was derived to ensure that no interference should exist in the conjugate-contour inside the pitch-circle; next, the “flexible” shape coefficient was described, with the independent variables, including the shape-coefficient, half-peak angle and lobe-number, and in such a way that the peak-point must overlap the start-point of the conjugate contour inside the paired rotor' pitch-circle; and finally, the simplified equations of volume-utilization and flow-pulsation coefficients were derived, respectively.Calculated by assuming a universal type-coefficient of 0.05,the discrepancy of the volume-utilization coefficient was below 0.3%,simply because of a minor impact of the conjugate contour.


