

Influence of Thickness on Bond-Structures and Properties of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Film

  • 摘要: 采用双弯曲磁过滤阴极真空电弧沉积方法在传感器用P型单晶硅上制备ta-C膜,并通过实验测试的手段研究厚度对其组织及性能的影响。研究结果表明:逐渐延长沉积时间后,沉积速率始终保持1.6 nm/min的稳定状态。分别运用椭偏仪和光度计测定ta-C膜的厚度结果基本一致,差值小于2 nm。随着膜厚的增加,sp3C比例发生了减小,原先的sp3结构逐渐转变为sp2结构。当膜厚增大后,ta-C膜内形成了更高比例的sp3C。当膜厚增大后,G峰发生了低位移动,此时膜内的sp3C比例发生了降低。当膜厚增大后,ta-C膜色散值和残余压应力发生了不断减小,表明膜获得了更小的拓扑无序度。不同厚度的涂层粗糙度基本接近,都在0.6 nm以内。膜表面呈现光滑的连续分布形态,粗糙度保持基本恒定。


    Abstract: Tetrahedral amorphous carbon(ta-C) film,an advance electronics device material,was synthesized on the substrate of p-typed Si(110) substrate by double bending magnetic filtration cathode arc deposition.The influence of the film thickness(or deposition-time at 1.6 nm/min) on the C-bond structure and residual stress was investigated with Raman spectroscopy,scanning electron microscopy ellipsometer and spectrophotometer.The results show that the film thickness had a major impact.For instance,as the film thickness increased,many changes occurred,i) the sp3C ratio decreased,because an increasing number of sp3-bond turned into sp2-bond,however,in a thicker ta-C coatings sp3C-ratio was fairly high;ii) the down-shift of G-peak slightly increased;and iii) the dispersion and residual stress of the ta-C films decreased,indicating a decreasing topological disorder;and the film thickness little affected the surface roughness,uniformity and compactness.


