

Characterization of Ti-6Ni-3Mo-1Sn Alloy Synthesized by Vacuum Arc Melting

  • 摘要: 对真空自耗电极电弧熔炼制备的传感器用Ti-6Ni-3Mo-1Sn合金进行热处理,先经过不同温度的固溶处理在经过500℃时效处理4 h,通过实验测试手段研究固溶温度对固溶态和时效态合金组织和力学性能的影响。研究结果表明:固溶温度700℃时,在固溶态合金晶粒中产生了大量初生α相。随着固溶温度增加,形成了更大的β晶粒。以更高温度处理后固溶态合金获得更大拉伸强度以及屈服强度,而伸长率表现为先升高再减小。经过时效处理的时效态合金晶粒中产生了许多弥散态的细小α相。以700℃固溶处理后,形成了初生α相,在残余β相内产生更多β稳定元素。随着固溶温度增加,时效态Ti-6Ni-3Mo-1Sn合金的拉伸强度,屈服强度及伸长率均表现出先增加后减小,最大值发生在固溶温度700℃时,分别为1268,1192 MPa, 5.62%。在低于700℃固溶时效处理后的试样断口区域形成许多尺寸差异较大微孔,呈现脆性断裂特点。


    Abstract: The Ti-6 Ni-3 Mo-1 Sn alloy ingot, an advanced sensor packaging material, was synthesized by vacuum consumable electrode arc-melting(VAR).The influence of the solid solution reaction(or arc melting) temperature and ageing on the microstructures, phases and mechanical behavior was investigated with scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and mechanical probes.The results show that the arc-melting temperature had a major impact.Specifically, as the arc melting temperature increased, the tensile-strength, yield-strength and elongation-ratio of the aged alloy changed in an increase-decrease mode, peaking at 700℃ to 1268 MPa, 1192 MPa and 5.62%,respectively; the highly dispersed primary α-phased grains, formed in melting at 700℃,grew and turned into larger β-phased gains.Quite a few micro-pores with a fairly wide size-distribution were observed on the fractured surfaces of the aged alloy arc melted below 700℃;and the brittle-fracture accounted for the fracture mechanism.


