

Development of Novel Cold-Cathode Gas-Discharge Electron Beam Gun:An Instrumentation Study

  • 摘要: 为了促进冷阴极电子束加工技术在国内的发展,在深入研究冷阴极电子发射机理基础之上,设计制造了一种自主知识产权的冷阴极气体放电电子枪,对该电子枪的结构、阴极功能及其参数、阳极功能及其参数、CST仿真软件确定聚焦线圈参数的方法进行了介绍。通过实验发现:每一种放电气体的最小“点火”电压与放电气体种类、气流量大小有关;氦、氩等纯惰性气体作为放电气体,长时间工作后会出现束流减小现象;给定加速电压及铝阴极表面的氧化膜存在条件下,输出束流随着气流量增大而增大;加速电压不变时,氦气中氧含量为1.2%~2.4%调整时,对束流输出影响不大。初步实验结果表明,所研制冷阴极气体放电电子枪采用氧含量2%左右的氦-氧混合气体作为放电气体,能够实现束流长期稳定输出,功率达到30 kW,最大束流达到1500 mA以上。


    Abstract: The cold-cathode gas-discharge electron beam gun was developed with our own intellectual property right.The influence of the key variables, including, but not limited to the eb gun structure, materials and property of cathode/anode, focusing-coil, acceleration voltage, and type/flow-rate/"ignition" voltage of discharge gas, on the e-beam properties was theoretically analyzed, numerically simulated with CST software, experimentally evaluated and tentatively discussed for design optimization.As expected, the type and flow-rate of discharge gas significantly affected the lowest "ignition" voltage.The prototyped eb gun, fabricated via design optimization and in trial-and-error method, was repeatedly tested.The common technical problems were discussed; for instance, in long term operation with pure He and/or Ar, the e-beam current decreased, because of erosion-etching of Al2O3-layer on Al-cathode; an O2-addition of 2% was the solution.The self-developed e-source is capable of stably providing a Max e-beam current of 1500 mA and a highest output power of 30 kW.


