

Tribological Properties of TC4 Ti-Alloy Surfaces Modified by Anodizing Coloring

  • 摘要: 为了改善钛合金(TC4)的表面处理工艺,在钛合金表面获得均匀、绚丽的色光效果,提高钛合金的耐磨性,增进钛合金的功能性和色彩美。利用直流脉冲稳压电源对钛合金在0.15 mol/LH3PO4+0.1 mol/LH2O2混合溶液中进行阳极氧化着色处理,分析了电解电压及前后处理对着色氧钛薄膜颜色和性能的影响。采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜、维氏显微硬度计和球盘摩擦磨损试验机等分析了氧化膜的颜色、表面形貌、氧化膜的显微硬度和摩擦磨损性能。研究结果表明:表面预处理影响钛合金阳极氧化着色效果;封孔后处理可以有效提高氧化膜的抗污染能力。电压是决定氧化膜颜色最主要的因素,氧化膜颜色随电解电压呈规律性的变化;在电压为50 V时,钛合金阳极氧化膜具有最优异的力学性能和耐摩擦磨损性能。在钛合金表面通过阳极氧化制备一层光滑且致密的氧化钛膜,可显著提高钛合金的显微硬度和耐磨损性能,同时使之具有不同的颜色增加其装饰效果和艺术价值,不但节约着色成本,还可以扩大其应用范围,具有重要的经济意义。


    Abstract: TC4 Ti-alloy surfaces were modified by anodizing coloring.The influence of the anodic voltage on the color and tribological behavior was investigated.The results show that the anodic voltage had a major impact.To be specific,as the anodic voltage increased from 10 to 80 V,the thickness of compact,uniform,smooth Ti-oxide layer increased,the hardness and wear-resistance changed in an increase-decrease mode,maximizing at 50 V;and the color varied in a spectrum of dark-brown,purple,lake-blue,pink,dark-blue,yellow,light-green and light-yellow.Moreover,we found that the wet-etching and chemical polishing of the substrate significantly improved the flatness,thickness uniformity,evenness and beauty of color,and that post-sealing of the Ti-oxide in de-ionized water at 90℃ cosiderablly increased the stability and contamination-resistance in air,because OH-1 radicals turned Ti-oxide into hydrous Ti-oxide,effectively sealing micrro-pores in the more porous top oxide-layer.


