Microstructures and Tensile Behavior of 3D Printed Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Sintered by Electron Beam Melting: An Experimental Study
摘要: 采用3D打印方法制得Ti-6Al-4V合金形成梯度组织,通过实验测试方法对其组织以及拉伸力学性能进行测试分析。研究结果表明:各区域形成了不同尺寸与分布形态的β晶粒。试样形成了清晰的层带间界线,相邻层带间界线距离约2.5 mm。各个高度处都形成了片层组织,不同部位的α片层具有明显不同的尺寸。在各个高度处的试样拉伸测试得到的屈服强度基本一致,而拉伸强度由底部的842 MPa增大至顶部的895 MPa,同时断裂伸长率上升。合金顶端形成了较多位错,中间部位的位错密度发生了显著减小,到底部区域时位错已经很少。45°方向试样达到了最高的屈服/拉伸强度,强度最低的是Z方向试样;X和Y方向试样具备较高断裂延伸率,之后是45°方向试样,最小的是Z方向试样。Abstract: The microstructures and tensile behavior,of the 3 D-printed,electron beam melted(EBM) Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy-plate(20 mm×10 mm×10 mm) with texture-gradient,were investigated with X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning/transmission electron microscopy(SEM/TEM) and mechanical probes.Quite a few well-defined parallel “ribbons”,2.5 mm wide and formed with the lamellar layers,piled-up bottom up and comprising β-phased grains with different sizes and distributions,showed up,the boundary of which possibly originated from the thermal cycling of surface by e-beam.As the bottom-up height increased,the average size of β-phased grains rapidly-slowly increased,but the thickness of α-phased flakes rapidly decreased.As the height increased,the tensile strength increased from 842 to 895 MPa,accompanied by an increase of the elongation-at-break.A descending order of dislocation-defect density exists: the top》 the middle》 the bottom.Moreover,the anisotropic distributions of yield/tensile strengths and elongation-at-break were measured.