

Design of Energy Saving Window of Apartment Building in Ordos Region:A Simulation Study

  • 摘要: 针对内蒙古河套地区居住建筑使用的窗框材料,分析了材料的节能保温效果和应用现状,利用De ST能耗模拟软件,通过逆向建模的方法建立内蒙古河套地区典型居住建筑的基准住宅模型,经过反复的调整模型参数,确保模拟结果的可靠性与准确性。针对木框、铝合金窗框、断热型铝合金框、PVC塑钢这四种窗框材料,利用层次分析的方法筛选出节能效果最优的窗框材料。以单层玻璃、双层玻璃、双层中空玻璃、三层中空玻璃、单层Low-e玻璃、双层Low-e玻璃6种不同的的玻璃材料为研究对象,当窗户的朝向与窗墙比的大小不同时进行能耗模拟,得出南向窗户对房间温度的影响较大,而且随着窗墙比的增大保温效果越好;北向窗户对房间温度的影响较小,几乎可以忽略,且随着窗墙比的增大保温效果越差,为以后住宅建筑窗户的设计奠定了理论基础。


    Abstract: Herein,we addressed the design of energy saving window of apartment building in Ordos region.The heat-flow through window was mathematically modeled by trial-and-error and numerically simulated with DeST software.The influence of the realistic situations,including but not limited to the climate,size/orientation/material/structure of window,window-wall ratio and air-conditioning cost,on the energy consumption per usable floor-area was investigated.Moreover,the window materials and structures were selected in analytic hierarchy process(AHP).The simulated results show that the window material/orientation/structure and window-wall ratio all have a major impact.For example,when it comes to energy saving window,the high-tech materials,including the frame of steel reinforced polyvinyl chloride(PVC),double/triple glazing(insulating) glasses and Low-e glass,make all the difference.We suggest that the simulated results be of some technological interest in design of window in cold and extreme cold regions.


