
CFETR VVPSS中爆破片优化设计与疲劳分析

Design and Fatigue Analysis of Rupture Disc in Overpressure Protection Device for Fusion Reactor:a Simulation Study

  • 摘要: 为了应对泄漏事故下真空室内的过压情况,防止腔室内相关组件的过压损害,设计了真空室超压保护系统(VVPSS)。VVPSS是利用泄放装置(爆破片组件和泄压阀组件)泄放过压气体。考虑CFETR真空室内部布置的大量冷却管路,一旦发生严重的泄漏事故需要采用大直径爆破片在短时间内泄放大量过压气体。而国内的生产商无生产大尺寸爆破片的经验,所以大尺寸爆破片的研究工作迫切需要进行。本文简要描述了真空室超压保护系统的总体工程设计;为了方便快速拆装,满足遥操作的要求,开展了爆破片组件设计;利用有限元分析方法(FEM)研究了爆破片的厚度、圆角半径和缝宽对其爆破性能的影响,获得了符合设计要求的爆破片尺寸;同时针对使用寿命要求,对爆破片进行疲劳分析研究,获得目前爆破片结构使用寿命,分析结果满足设计要求。


    Abstract: We addressed the design and service-lifetime evaluation of the large-sized rupture disc made of 316 L stainless-steel,a key disposable component of the overpressure protection device installed inside one of the vacuum vessels of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor(CFETR).The leakage-induced blow-up of the dome-shaped rupture disc was empirically approximated,mathematically modeled and numerically simulated in finite element method for design optimization.The influence of the disc thickness,fillet radius and seam width on the blow-up behavior of the rupture disc was investigated for design optimization.In addition,the fatigue life of the optimized rapture disc was numerically analyzed with Fatigue Tool and Code DesignLife software.The fatigue analysis results show that the rupture disc meets the design requirements and may enjoy a service lifetime longer than 40 years.


