

Impact of Oxidation Time on Corrosion Property of TC4 Alloy Modified by Micro-Arc Oxidation

  • 摘要: 采用微弧氧化(MAO)技术在内燃机用TC4合金表面制备氧化膜,实验测试研究其组织以及腐蚀性能,并对TC4合金和N80钢之间发生对偶腐蚀性能分析。研究结果表明:膜内层组织致密,外层多孔疏松,内层和基体之间以凹凸界面相结合。氧化膜中存在锐钛矿与金红石型两种结构的TiO2,以金红石相为主。当MAO时间增加后,膜厚也明显增大,形成了许多大尺寸孔洞与部分小裂纹。MAO后形成了比TC4合金更高的自腐蚀电位,并且随着氧化时间增加,可以促进试样自腐蚀电位上升。由于MAO膜和N80钢电极偶接后会引起电流密度的显著减小。MAO膜能够显著降低腐蚀速率,提高N80钢耐蚀性。


    Abstract: The surfaces of CT4 alloy,an advanced internal-combustion-engine material,were modified by micro-arc oxidization(MAO).The influence of the oxidation time on the microstructures and corrosion resistance of the modified TC4 alloy was investigated with X-ray diffraction,energy dispersive spectroscopy,scanning electron microscopy and electrochemical station.The results show that the oxidation time had a major impact.For example,as the oxidation-time increased,the thickness of MAO coatings increased,accompanied by formation of “crater-shaped” pores and cracks,and the self-corrosion potential,higher than that of CT4 alloy,increased.Dominating rutile-phased TiO2 and some anatase-phased TiO2 coexisted in the MAO coatings; a loose porous surface layer covered the bumpy,compact bottom layer on top of the rough porous interface.Besides,the MAO coatings coupled with electrode of N80 steel significantly improved the corrosion resistance of N80 steel.


