Automatic Measurement of Irregular Geometry of Delicate Space Electronics Parts:A Methodology Study
摘要: 本文根据空间行波管高频组件异形管零件的设计要求,考虑加工设备的固有精度、表面处理工艺过程带来的误差,编写了测量程序,实现了异形管零件内外径复杂轮廓的自动精密测量。实际应用时,利用探针、影像复合式测量仪和自研模具完成了Ku波段空间行波管异形管零件的测量,解决了影像模式下边界存在不确定度,探针模式下定位定向困难的问题;提出了用特征点的Y坐标值代替垂线段的长度的算法;分析了测量误差的来源,提出了最大限度减小误差的装夹和测量方法,各个几何要素的测量精度全部控制在设备精度以内。单根异形管的测量时间从原来纯影像的5增加到10 min,工作效率有一定的牺牲,内外径测量深度仅为4 mm,效率和测量深度还有待进一步研究。Abstract: A novel method was developed to automatically measure the delicate high-frequency components of Ku-band space traveling wave tube(TWT),the irregularly shaped thin-wall tube with a large aspect-ratio in particular,with a lab-modified conventional image-measurement instrument,operating in probe & video mode.The original work included:a self-developed sample-holding mold,a new algorithm for horizontal sample positioning and alignment based on Y-coordinate of the feature point,and self-developed software.Besides,the sources of measurement errors were found out and effectively reduced.The non-destructive,high precision measurements were realized.The test results show that the newly-developed measurement technique does a good job.However,when it comes to measurement of the irregularly-shaped thin-wall tube,many times longer than 4 mm(upper depth-limit) and in a diameter of 2.45 mm for Ka-band and 1.6 mm for V-band,much research work remained to be done.