

Influence of Indium-Tin-Oxide Thicknesson Characteristics of AlGaInP Light Emitting Diodes

  • 摘要: 采用金属有机物化学气相沉积技术在GaAs衬底上生长AlGaInP红光发光二极管器件,在表层GaP上沉积氧化铟锡透明导电层,使用扫描电镜分析器件外观、透射电镜观察器件各层结构、半导体测试机测试其光电参数、回流焊验证器件的热稳定性、X射线光电子能谱分析氧化铟锡透明导电层中In、O元素化合态;研究了不同氧化铟锡透明导电层厚度对器件光电参数、热稳定性、发光角度的影响,结果表明随着氧化铟锡透明导电层厚度增加器件电压降低、发光亮度先增加后下降,热稳定性随厚度增加而变好,发光角度随厚度增加而减小。


    Abstract: The AlGaInP red-light emitting diode(LED) devices were fabricated by metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD) on GaAs substrate and the top GaP-layer were covered with indium tin oxide(ITO) transparent conductive coatings.The influence of the ITO thickness on the characteristics of the LED devices; including the surface/interface microstructures,photoelectric behavior,thermal stability,bonding states of In/O and light emission angle,was investigated with scanning/transmission electron microscopy(SET/TEM),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(SPS) and conventional probes.The results show that the ITO coating thickness had a major impact.To be specific,as the ITO thickness increased,the forward voltage of LED devices deceased,the emission light brightness changed in an increase-decrease manner,and the thermal stability increasingly improved,accompanied by a decrease of LED light emission angle.Possible mechanism(s) was tentatively discussed.We suggest that an optimized thickness of ITO coating be 200 ~300 nm.


