Novel Permanent-Magnet Motor for Roots Vacuum Pump in Wafer Fabrication:A Simulation and Experimental Study
摘要: 为满足在晶圆FAB厂内使用罗茨真空泵的工程需求及性能要求, 本文设计了一台1.5 kW小体积高速永磁同步电机并将其作为罗茨真空泵用驱动电机。采用多极少槽的极槽配合方案, 减少变频器及供电装置中高次谐波对电机运行性能和损耗温升的影响。基于场路耦合思想及商业有限元软件, 完成了电机拓扑结构及电磁设计, 仿真结果验证了电磁设计及结构的合理性;通过三维温度场研究, 表明该设计可应用于真空泵类工程之中。最后对样机进行了电机性能实验, 实验数据与设计指标比较吻合, 对罗茨真空泵进行性能测试实验, 进一步验证了罗茨真空泵驱动用高速永磁电机设计的合理性, 新研发电机满足泵的各项性能指标要求, 研究工作具有工程实用价值。Abstract: A novel type of permanent-magnet synchronous motor, driving Roots vacuum pumps for production line in Si-wafer fabrication, was designed in pole-slot matching scheme.The six poles and nine stator-slots, in the newly-designed small motor (1.5 kW and 9, 000 r/min), significantly weaken the negative impact of the higher-order harmonics on the performance and temperature-rise of the motor.In addition, the 3-D temperature profiles in the new motor was mathematically modeled, theoretically analyzed, numerically simulated and experimentally evaluated.The simulated results show that the highest temperatures of the components are much lower than Curie temperature of N35 SH permanent-magnet (150℃) .For example, the temperature ranges of the stator iron-core (38.69~40.05℃), coils (40.36~40.84℃) and permanent magnet (39.76~40.02℃) all meet the design requirements.The simulated and measured results were found to be in good agreement.