

High Precision Welding for Magnetic Shielding Assembly of Electron-Gun of Space Traveling Wave Tube

  • 摘要: 空间行波管对中结构及精密焊接工艺是保证高性能空间行波管可靠性的重要方面, 随着行波管向太赫兹目标开展, 对模块精度的要求也要绝对进步, 而零件的加工、对中模具的精度、装配、焊接、测量等则是影响空间行波管对中精度﹑结构强度及一致性的重要因素。本文采用冷态下高精度的模具控制, 零件之间采用先进的激光焊接方法使局部熔融联结, 零件、模具变形量极小。激光焊接固定后, 经高温钎焊, 零件定位精度保持不变, 提高了组件的同心度, 成品率明显提高, 同时降低了生产成本, 缩短了制备周期。本方法克服了不锈钢模具与零件高温下的配合间隙难以控制的缺点, 减少了制造完成后需要二次加工工序, 以及二次加工成品率较低、制造周期较长等缺点。本文采取一种新技术, 是一种有效的方式, 确保了组件的高精度, 其它需要固定精密连接亦可触类旁通。


    Abstract: A novel technique was developed to weld the magnetic shielding assembly, comprising a 4 J33 mu-metal “flat-lid” and a monel-metal input end-cover rod, for electron gun of space traveling wave tube (TWT) .The original work included the laser welding, high precision laser positioning and mold control.First, the cold flat-lid and rod were aligned by means of laser and lab-made mold so accurately that the concentricity was below 0.2 mm;second, the temporary lid-rod alignment was firmly fixed with four symmetric spots welded by laser welding at the circular interface;and finally, the point-contacted lid-rod assembly was brazed at 960 oC in hydrogen furnace.The welded seam was evaluated with scanning electron microscopy.The preliminary results show that the newly-developed welding technique outperforms the conventional one because of smaller thermal deformation, better concentricity, shorter assembling period, lower fabrication cost, easier welding and higher rate of finished product.


