

Heat Flow and Temperature Profile Produced by Ground Heating: A Simulation Study

  • 摘要: 为研究地暖对空间温度分布和热流流动的影响, 应用ANSYS软件对不同铺设方式的地暖进行计算分析。通过对不同铺设方式条件下室内温度分布的对比, 得出了不同铺设方式所适用空间区域的大小;通过对不同高度层次温度的计算, 得出了地暖供暖对空间垂直方向温度变化的影响;通过对空间内热流流动的分析, 得出了热量在空间内的传递方向。对提高热量利用率和人体舒适感有借鉴意义。


    Abstract: The heat flow and temperature (T) distributions in ground heated apartment-room was mathematically modeled, theoretically analyzed in aerodynamics and thermodynamics and numerically simulated with ANSYS.The influence of the inlet water temperature and the “square spiral” and the “rectangular wave” water-pipe configurations on the T-profile was investigated. The simulated results show that the pipe configuration has a major impact. To be specific, the two pipe configurations account for slightly different T-profiles; when it comes to cross-sectional vertical T-distribution, the rectangular-wave pipe produces a “concentric hemi-oval” T-profile and heat flowrate of 0. 15m/s, whereas the square-spiral pipe generates a “saddle-shaped” T-distribution and heat flow-rate of 0.18m/s, forming pleasant warm breeze. We suggest that the simulated results be of some technological interest for indoor heating.


