

Fabrication of Indium/Tin Oxides Target by Direct Resistive Heating in Hot Press Furnace

  • 摘要: 随着平面显示技术的发展, 氧化铟锡 (ITO) 靶材的需求大增, 然而国内生产的靶材多为低密度的中低端产品, ITO靶材的制备目前多采用的是热压烧结的形式, 实现ITO靶材的制备突破研制合适的装备及工艺成为焦点问题。本文结合直热式制备ITO靶材工艺给出了ITO靶材热压炉中核心加热区的设计方法, 并利用ANSYS软件对设计完成的石墨模具进行了仿真分析。


    Abstract: High density target of indium tin oxides (ITO) was fabricated in a novel technique: rapid direct resistive heating in argon atmosphere with the home-built hot press furnace. The original work included the direct resistive heating with switch power supply and the female dies designed via numerical simulation with ANSYS software, made of carbon-carbon composite material and strengthened with molybdenum wire, 5 mm in diameter. The newly-developed ITO fabrication technique outperforms the conventional ones, including the cold pressing/sintering, hot isostatic pressing, sintering and hot pressing, because of higher density of ITO target, better crack-resistance, lower production cost, smaller equipment budget, and oxygen-free pressing atmosphere.


