
基于电子注嵌入光栅的0.55 THz返波振荡器的结构设计与注波互作用的分析

The Design of Structure and Analysis of Beam-Wave Interaction of a 0.55 THz Backward-Wave Oscillator Based on Embedded Electron Beam

  • 摘要: 根据矩形栅慢波结构的色散公式初步确定各结构参数, 并分析了各结构参数的变化对色散曲线的影响, 用CST微波工作室仿真, 计算并对比分析嵌入与未嵌入圆形电子注的高频特性的变化趋势, 得出前者对应的色散曲线和耦合阻抗曲线要大于后者的结论。利用CST粒子工作室进行注波互作用模拟, 权衡起振时间和输出功率关系, 确定整管的仿真长度。研究了电子注嵌入深度、填充比、电流大小对输出功率的影响, 优化结构参数, 最终得到14. 6 W的稳定输出功率, 与Magic计算出的结果相吻合。


    Abstract: The 0. 55 THz backward-wave oscillator, with slot-structured rectangular grating involving cylindrical electron beam, was developed. Dimensions of the slot structure, including the period length, slot width/depth, rectangular-grating width and waveguide height, were optimized by numerically solving the theoretically derived dispersion equation with Matlab. The beam-wave interaction was simulated with CST MICROWAVE STUDIO software.The simulated results show that the eigen-mode frequency and interaction impedance of the slot-structure are higher than those of the slot-less structure. The length of the backward-wave oscillator was determined by compromising between the oscillation-start time and output power. Besides, the influence of the slot-depth, filling-rate, and current on the output power was investigated via CST and Magic simulations. The optimized slot-depth, filling-rate and current resulted in a steady output power of 14. 6 W. The CST and Magic simulation results were found to be basically in agreement.


