

Discharge Characteristics of Micro Cathode Arc Thruster:An Experimental Study

  • 摘要: 相对于大型卫星, 微纳卫星具有模块化、发射灵活、可编队飞行等特点。微阴极电弧推力器 (μ-CAT) 是一种适用于微纳卫星的推进装置, 具有体积小、质量轻、功耗小等特点。本文分析了μ-CAT的工作原理, 对推力器结构进行了设计, 并利用高真空电推进实验平台, 完成了对推力器放电特性实验装置的搭建。在高真空条件下对μ-CAT进行了点火试验, 测试了推力器放电时的伏安特性曲线, 分析了单脉冲周期的电压电流变化规律。随后分别在有无外加磁场的条件下, 采用法拉第探针测量了μ-CAT等离子体离子电流空间分布情况, 实验结果表明磁场具有减小等离子体羽流发散角的作用。研究工作可为后续推力器放电参数优化设计和羽流测量工作提供理论指导。


    Abstract: The discharge characteristics of micro cathode arc thruster (μ-CAT), an advanced electric propulsion device for micro/nano satellites, were experimentally investigated with the lab-built test platform, comprising a high vacuum chamber, gauges/pumps, measurement and control units. The influence of the magnetic field on the distribution of μ-CAT plasma ion current was investigated. The preliminary results show that the magnetic field significantly reduces the expansion angle of plasma plume and increases the axial profile of the ion current. The time evolution of the voltage, current and plasma ion current distribution in a single pulse cycle were measured. In addition, the damages, sputtered by the ion current, on the surfaces of cathode, were also evaluated. We suggest that the ground simulation results may be of some technological interest in design optimization of μ-CAT.


