Solutions with Novel Arc Rotor to Circumferential Leakage and Trapped Gas Problems of Roots Pump
摘要: 为实现罗茨泵圆弧转子的低周向泄漏、无闭气现象、造型参数化和尺寸最优化。从7个方面构建出第1、2两类新型线的参数化方程;后以节圆半径和周向弧半角为设计变量, 转子副所占方体空间的轻量化为目标函数, 构建优化模型;最终就闭气现象, 给出谷部型线段上的新避让型线。结果表明:新型线的主圆弧圆心为不位于峰轴上的偏心圆弧;新型线的低周向泄漏是以降低最大形状系数和增加泵体积为代价的, 叶数越多、周向弧半角越大, 牺牲越大, 应优选2叶第1类新转子;谷部的新避让圆弧能有效消除闭气现象, 且简化加工等。为泵其它型线的低周向泄漏, 提供一种全参数设计与造型方法。Abstract: We addressed the problems of circumferential leakage and trapped-gas of Roots vacuum pump. The total solutions included: first, two new types of arc-rotor were developed and mathematically modeled; next, their profiles and parametric equations were analytically derived; and finally, their geometries were parameterized and optimized. The operation of exemplified Roots pump with the two novel types of arc-rotor was theoretically analyzed.The calculated results show that the novel arc-rotors all significantly outperform the conventional one, because of smaller circumferential leakage, complete removal of trapped-gas, easier machining and lower fabrication cost. We suggest that the newly-developed arc-rotors may be of much technological interest in fabrication of Roots vacuum pump.