

Integrated Design of Space Environment Simulator Based on Parametric Design

  • 摘要: 目前常采用的空间环境模拟器设计模式是不同的分系统利用各自的三维造型软件构建产品的三维几何模型, 然后导出到Auto CAD中进行二维的图纸表达。此种设计模式不利于开展协同设计, 同时在不同设计软件转换时容易造成设计表达错误。此外, 日益激烈的市场竞争, 也对空间环境模拟器的快速响应设计提出了更高的要求。因此, 根据空间环境模拟器设计流程分析以及设计过程的实际需求, 针对容器、热沉、真空、氮流程等分系统设计特点, 提出了空间环境模拟器集成设计平台方案;基于统一的数字化设计平台, 开展各分系统的协同设计, 从而提高产品设计的规范性和重用性, 实现空间环境模拟器的数字化高效集成设计。


    Abstract: Herein, we proposed the novel master-plan of integrated design platform for space environment simulator, comprising the vacuum container, heat sink, vacuum pumping and liquid/gaseous nitrogen supply units, to overcome the limitations of conventional subsystems designed separately with different 3-D models and software. The novel integrated design platform is capable of collaboratively designing functional modules of each subsystem with the self-developed unified digital design software package. Moreover, the design information involving the realistic situations, including the requirements, features, specifications or commercial availability of all key devices/components, fabrication difficulties and design experience, can be analyzed, accumulated and updated with the integrated design platform. The new integrated design scheme outperforms the conventional one, in which individual subsystem was designed independently, because of improvements of standardization, automation, efficiency reusability and accessibility to advanced technologies in design of space environment simulator.


