

Latest Advance in Fabrication Technologies of MEMS-Type Capacitance Diaphragm Gauge

  • 摘要: 近二十年以来, 仪器的小型化发展以及微机电系统 (MEMS) 技术工艺的发展带动了电容薄膜真空计的发展。其中, MEMS型电容薄膜真空计能将电路和敏感元件集成在同一芯片上, 具有体积小、能耗低的优点, 能广泛的运用在工业测量、深空探测等领域, 是真空计量仪器研究热点之一。然而, 体积小伴随着的测量范围窄、输出线性度不高、长久密封困难和残余气体影响问题都制约着真空计的商品化发展。针对上述的技术瓶颈, 研究者提出了不同的技术方案来克服。文中总结相关的研究报道后对问题的缘由以及相应解决措施进行了分类整理与分析, 对文献报道的MEMS型电容薄膜真空计进行了对比分析。最后, 对MEMS型电容薄膜真空计的发展前景提出了展望。


    Abstract: The latest progress in fabrication technologies of MEMS-type capacitance diaphragm vacuum gauge, a miniaturized gauge fabricated by Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) technology, was tentatively discussed.The discussions with specific examples centered on the major problems and solutions: i) the methods to widen the measurement range, including the multilayered structure, electrostatic servo mode, touch mode and etc.; ii) the ways to improve the output linearity, such as the integration of CMOS circuits, structure modification of diaphragm gauge and stress compensation with proper composite coatings; and iii) the strengths and weaknesses of packaging/sealing techniques, including the conductive adhesive bonding, glass-silicon bonding, silicon-silicon bonding, metalmetal bonding and silicon-on-nothing (SON) bonding. The development trends of MEMS-type capacitance diaphragm gauge were also briefly discussed in a thought provoking way.


