Impact of Se-Doping on Grain Size and Sphericity of Vacuum Evaporated ZnSe-Nanospheres
The ZnSe nano-spheres,an advanced photo-electronic material,were synthesized by vacuum evaporation of a mixture of ZnSe and Se powder.The influence of the Se-doping on the size distribution and sphericity of ZnSe-nanospheres was investigated with X-ray diffraction,energy dispersive spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy.The preliminary results show that the Se-doping significantly affected the size and sphericity of ZnSe nanospheres.To be specific,the vacuum evaporation,with or without Se-doping,was capable of producing highly pure ZeSe-nanospheres; and the Se-doping,at a Se-content of 0.005 g,obviously decreased the diameter and greatly improved the sphericity of ZnSe-nanospheres,because the densities of both quasi-spherical and irregular-shaped ZnSe-nanoclusters were considerably reduced.Possible mechanisms responsible for the better sphericity and smaller diameter of ZnSe-nanospheres were tentatively discussed in a thought provoking way.