Synthesis and Property Characterization of Novel Thermal Control Coatings of Anodically Oxidized Al-Alloy for Space-crafts
Graphical Abstract
Herein, we reported the synthesis andproperty characterization of the novel thermal control coatings of anodically oxidized Al-alloy (AAO) 6063 for space-crafts. The impact of the oxidation conditions, including but not limited to the current density, bath temperature and oxidation time, on the microstructures and optical properties of porous AAO coatings were investigated with scanning electron microscopy and conventional optical probes. The preliminary results show that the newly-developed AAO thermal control coating was a good space-craft material. For example, oxidized for 30 min at a current density of 1. 0 A/dm2 and a temperature of 18℃, the lowest raio of solar absorptance and hemispherical emittance, αs/εH, of the AAO coatings with a surface roughness of 0. 58 was measured to be 0. 164. Moreover, the film sealing the porous AAO coatingsand surface roughness were found to significantly affect the αs/εH ratio.